The web series is coming along just fine and I now have a producer and director on board. A line producer is in the wings and after last week's first creative meeting, I realize that I need to do some editing on the script. Lesson 1 in humility, right? I thought some things in the script were clear.
Nevertheless, I am sincerely amazed that God would choose me to tell this story. Yes, it's about female drug mules. Yes, I have always volunteered or served in ministry where people may be disenfranchised, used, pushed aside or forgotten. But this story has required so much research. Like the protagonist, I grew up middle class in the suburbs of a major city, had a traditional and supportive family, went to college, blah blah blah. Like the protagonist, I think quick in tough situation.
But that's where it ends.
In September 2011 I was volunteering at the Union Rescue Mission in downtown Los Angeles when I noticed a woman sitting with her family and unable to eat her meal. Her husband looked defeated and kept his eyes downcast. Their young daughter cheerfully ate her chicken nuggets and waved at people as they passed by their end of the lunch table. I wanted to tell this woman with a short bob that everything would be OK eventually. She looked so scared--catatonic. Her face seemed to say "what am I doing here? How did I get here?" I never spoke to her but I will never forget her face. This unnamed woman is the inspiration behind my web series Chance. Sometimes you think so highly of yourself that the curve ball in life hits you harder than you expect. There's a blessing in humility. It allows you to accept what God allows, and to then ask Him what it is that YOU are supposed to do or not do. Simply put: humility keeps you from believing that you are in control and that you have the last say.
I've learned that thinking too highly of yourself also has a negative effect on your creativity. No, I've never lived the life I am now trying to bring to screen. But I have learned that there is a purpose in whatever God directs you to create. Someone's life will be impacted. Someone will be enlightened. Someone will be encouraged. Someone will take a step in the right direction.
That's the point.
Your creativity is all for "someone." Humility will remind you of this, and point your creativity towards a greater purpose. Please hear me when I say that God will send the resources, the team, the knowledge and the wisdom. You'll know if someone is not sent by God if their character and their "fruit" do not resemble what you find in Galatians 5:22. Sometimes we think someone may be a good fit and God allows you to see that once again, only He knows best.
It's as easy as that.
Stay humble and receive a story, as well as the best way to bring it to the masses. Stay humble and build a solid, drama-free team. Stay humble and see what type of characters God will use you to create to reach thousands of people. Stay humble and never assume that you can't research a story before writing it. If you didn't live it, then you have to find a way to authentically tell the story. God wouldn't have given the story to you if He felt like you couldn't tell it.