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Wanna Help Me Make a Web Series?

I created a show idea 2 years ago for the Sky Network. It was in development for a while and then released back to me. I have created a full web series script that is faith-based in nature, and revolves around a young woman named Myra who is seduced into being a drug mule. Drug mule- one who internally or externally couriers illegal drugs across a border or to a drop. God is never far from Myra and her prayers (or lack of) directly effect the plot and every turn within Season 1. She is sincere, stumbling for light in the growing darkness in her life and in the middle of spiritual warfare. So many women find themselves in that mindstate. They may not be mules and they may not be involved in drugs, but the character will speak to many women. "Chance" is a web series which I plan to use as a ministry tool. It will be launched and aired on my website ( and shown in churches in the Atlanta-area. I am a born again Christian and ordained minister. This isn't so much about Hollywood--as it is about saving a life and using Myra's story as a springboard for discussion. Your money will go towards paying those in the Atlanta film community for their time and talent as they work behind and in front of the camera, edit the final product, provide lighting, make-up and wardrobe. I will also use the money to take care of permits and compile a sizzle reel. Please pray and consider contributing so that I will be able to film the pilot and an additional episode. I will add the names of those who contribute to the credits and send you each episode. I believe if you sow into this project, you will reap a blessing that only God can offer to you, and help change a life (or two).

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